Meet the 2020 Finalists


Eric Christiansen

Lending Manager
Dane County Credit Union, Wisconsin, USA

Business case

Lender Sales Initiative

The Lender Sales Initiative is a proposal to transition the credit union’s traditional service-based lending culture to a member-focused sales culture to address stagnant loan growth and ultimately improve return on assets.

Paul Hinrichsen

Product Manager
GTE Financial, Florida, USA

Business Case

Rediscovering the Mantra of Credit Unions Through a Focus on Connecting Members to the Triple Bottom Line

GTE should take its mantra “Going beyond money”, which can already be interpreted to mean looking past profit and focusing on the triple bottom line and connect its members to this mantra to create brand advocates. There are many more ways, both small and large, to drive this. My business case includes actionable items GTE can implement in order to drive meaningful brand growth.

James Hunter

Executive Director
New Orleans Firemen's Federal Credit Union, Louisiana, USA

Business Case

Predatory Lending: A Cooperative Approach to Breaking the Economic Debt Trap and Bridging the Financial Wealth Divide

This is a blueprint for credit unions who have a mission to serve the underserved, yet struggle with the financial risk associated with providing alternative payday loans. By leveraging the cooperative approach, credit unions can partner with businesses to help them create innovative ways to provide a unique total rewards package to their workforce.


Katie Luther

Mortgage Servicing Supervisor
Royal Credit Union, Wisconsin, USA

Business Case

Developing High Performers for Non-Management Career Tracks

The High Potential Individual Contributor Program is an annual process that identifies a subset of the highest performers with the highest potential that meet the minimum performance requirements and have indicated no interest in leadership progression. Once identified, this program provides these individuals with a structured program to identify a suitable career path for them based on their interests and skill sets.


Lindsey Walker

Executive Assistant
Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union, Florida, USA

Business Case

Reducing Linguistic Barriers – Hispanic Outreach Program

Providing translated documents in Spanish is critical for our credit union to further serve and reach the growing Hispanic population in Tampa, many whom are underserved and unbanked. Over the past few decades, immigration from Spanish-speaking countries has spiked more than 200%, triggering social and economic change in the area. Florida is now the 3rd largest Hispanic populated state and locally, Tampa was a top destination for those escaping Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria devastation in Puerto Rico. With the migration of Spanish-speaking individuals to the Tampa area, it is a necessity for Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union to provide collateral in Spanish.