#146: CUES 2012 Next Top Credit Union Executive Finalist Series: OSU Federal Credit Union's Peter Walker...


One of my favorite series of interviews to conduct each year involves the CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec finalists. These young credit union professionals are full of energy, ideas, and enthusiasm. They're quite infectious. I really look forward to talking with this latest crop of finalists to discuss their viewpoints on where the industry stands from their point of view, where it can go, and what we can do about it. I also enjoy delving into their contest projects that will better their credit unions -- along with the industry. Great ideas from all of them this year. Congratulations up front to the 2012 finalists. Each one is a fantastic leader already. Look forward to seeing who will be victorious after their presentations at next month's CUES CEO/Executive Team Network Conference in Manalapan, FL, Nov. 4-7, 2012.

First up this week we have Peter Walker from OSU Federal Credit Union in Corvallis, OR. Peter's project focuses on developing and championing the credit union's APEX Awards. APEX stands for: "Achieving Performance Excellence." APEX is a unique way of recognizing unsurpassed performance that goes above and beyond day-to-day job responsibilities. It's an innovative means to recognizing excellence in the workplace. Check out the interview to hear more about this program from Peter. Enjoy the show!

For more info on Peter and his APEX program, visit nexttopcreditunionexec.com.

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