CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec is Back!!!!
Cooperative Trust | By Devin Selte
Calling All Credit Union Young Leaders!!!!
As most of you know, or SHOULD know, the CUES Next Top Credit Union Execcompetition is back for a third year with some fantastic new changes.
Having participated in the program in its first two years with some degree of improvement and success, I can honestly tell you that this has been one of the most impactful opportunities in my credit union career.
The creation of the Servus Young Leaders Network allowed me to create a vision and bring that to reality which the rest of the credit union world got to watch through last year’s competition. Having the ability to write and create video blogs allowed me to embrace a creativity side that I never knew I had. Attending the CUES CEO Institute I program has allowed me to build new relationships with several fantastic credit union leaders, while providing me with some substantial learning opportunities on strategic planning and leadership.
All of this would have not been possible without the CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec competition.
Sound fun? You bet your butt it is! It has been a fantastic ride and I encourage each and every one of you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and participate.
Here’s the video I used last year in the competition:
This year’s competition has a few changes from last year. While contestants will have a chance to submit video applications, there will be a round of nominations to start things off. Once nominations are closed (being accepted now through June 15th), nominees will be encouraged to create a short video application. Public votes will again be a part of the decision process to narrow down applicants.
I’m really excited to see this competition take off again and can’t wait to see folks that get nominated. I’m also open to help anyone if there are questions along the way and look forward to connecting with you and helping in whatever way I can. Shoot me an email: or call me at 780.217.3668.