Selte is CUES’ 2011 Next Top Credit Union Exec
Las Vegas—Devin Selte, senior relationship manager, team lead with $11 billion Servus Credit Union, Edmonton, Alberta, was named CUES’ Next Top Credit Union Exec this morning in Las Vegas.
Selte’s credit union project about Servus CU’s Young Leaders Network was chosen in June to represent the Canada Region. As one of five finalists, Selte’s blog and video updates over the past few months provided the industry with an insight into the project’s progress, and culminated with a final presentation Monday at CUES’ CEO/Executive Team Network™. Selte emerged the winner after a three-part scoring process that included a panel of judges, plus audience and online voting.
Selte is a self-starter who exudes a passion for developing his peers into young leaders. The Servus CU Young Leaders Network highlights key achievements among participants, provides mentorship and shared learning opportunities, and creates a unified group of young employees who understand and embody the cooperative principles. In his presentation, Selte provided suggestions for how credit unions of any size could implement similar programs of their own.
The other four finalists are Jay Hansen of $9.5 billion BECU, Seattle; Alexia Mavrakes of $190 million Aspire Federal Credit Union, Clark, N.J.; Josh McAfee of $142 million Leaders Credit Union, Jackson, Tenn.; and Amanda Thomas of $48 million Members First Credit Union, Columbus, Ohio.
Selte wins a $20,000 educational prize package and will provide further project updates at