#216: Prepping the next gen of CU leaders with 2012 Next Top Credit Union Exec winner Ashley Kohlrus...
Credit unions today are experiencing a CEO exodus like never before. With this mass retirement occurring right before our eyes, it's time for the next generation of leadership to take the industry's helm. One contest that is virtually expediting this evolution is CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec. In its fourth year, the competition is hotter than ever, as we are down to the final five contestants.
To provide a clear perspective on this important competition and guiding the next generation of CU leaders, we invited Allegacy FCU Chief Experience Officer and 2012 NTCUE winner Ashley Kohlrus on the show. Ashley was kind enough to escape the credit union paparazzi and join us for an in-depth conversation on how last year's contest has affected her professional life, how the competition benefits the industry, and how credit unions are going to find those future leaders. Many thanks for Ashley being on the show. Enjoy!
Also, check out Ashley's interview this time last year when she was part of the 2012 NTCUE final five contestants -- #149: CUES 2012 Next Top Credit Union Executive Finalist Series: Allegacy FCU's Ashley Kohlrus.