'Buy Local' Program Makes Maps CU’s Brenneman The CUES Next Top Exec
Credit Union Journal | By Michael Bartlett
Amanda Brenneman, business development officer, Maps Credit Union, Salem, Ore., was named the 2013 CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec this morning in San Diego.
Brenneman’s project about her credit union’s “Buy Local” program was chosen from among a group of international applicants who had been selected by a team of judges as Finalists in September. As one of five Finalists, Brenneman’s blog and video updates over the past few months provided the industry with insight into the project’s progress, and culminated with a final presentation Monday at CUES’ CEO/Executive Team Network™. Brenneman emerged the winner after a four-part scoring process that included judging panel results, a measurement of social media engagement, and audience and online voting.
Brenneman’s advocacy for this project embodies her credit union’s philosophy of people helping people. The project is currently testing successfully in the Salem area, with plans to expand nationally. In her presentation, Brenneman provided suggestions for how credit unions of any size could implement Buy Local programs of their own.
Chuck Fagan, CUES' president/CEO, said, “Attendees at our CEO/Executive Team Network meeting are thrilled that Amanda Brenneman and the rest of the Finalists give us confidence that the future of the credit union movement is in the capable hands of those who will the carry the torch after us.”
The other four Finalists were Rob Carabelli, senior marketing strategist, McGraw-Hill Federal Credit Union, East Windsor, N.J.; Chad Huseby, branch manager, Servus Credit Union, Delburne, Alberta, Canada; Zac King, AVP/card payment systems, Redstone Federal Credit Union, Huntsville, Ala.; and Bryce Roth, director/marketing and social strategy, CitizensFirst Credit Union, Oshkosh, Wis.
Brenneman wins a $20,000 educational prize package that includes registration, accommodation and economy airfare to any two of CUES’ CEO Institutes—one in 2014 and one in 2015—and two remote coaching sessions from CUES Supplier member, partner and Next Top Credit Union Exec sponsor DDJ Myers Ltd., Phoenix. Watch for updates on Brenneman’s project at NextTopCreditUnionExec.com. To learn more about CUES, visit cues.org.
The Credit Union Executives Society is a Madison, Wisconsin-based, independent, not-for-profit, international membership association for credit union executives. Its mission is to educate and develop credit union CEOs, directors and future leaders.