CU Industry Raises Money to Educate Young Execs

Credit Union Times | By Marygrace Murphy

Thanks to donations from the credit union industry, four finalists from CUES’ Next Top Credit Union Exec competition now have access to more than $4,000 each toward tuition and airfare to attend the trade group’s CEO Institute I in Philadelphia in early April. Co-produced by CUES and Currency Marketing, the contest was designed to recognize young credit union professionals for the work they are doing to advance their credit union.

Out of six finalists, the title was awarded to Tina Hall of Verity Credit Union, who offered half her educational prize package to runner-up Ronaldo Hardy of La Capitol FCU so that they both could attend the CEO Institute. Hall then challenged the credit union industry to help the other four finalists attend as well.

Vendors and attendees of CUES CEO/Executive Team Network in Dallas, where Hall issued her call to action on Nov. 10, have donated about $3,000, and CUES has announced it will match all donations and contribute $2,500 for each of the remaining finalists. That makes a total of about $16,000 raised to date.

 “I estimate that we only need another $15,000 to make this work. That is 300 people giving $50,” Hall said in a post on the Next Top Credit Union Exec blog. “Let’s have six winners. Let’s model cooperation among cooperatives.”

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