CUES Crowns Its 2022 Emerge Competition Winner – Zachary Churchill
Be sure to watch the entire interview below the show notes for all the details.
Zachary Churchill, VP of Finance at USF Federal Credit Union, Tampa, Florida, has been named the 2022 CUES Emerge competition's winner. Zach's business case entitled "The Case for a Data Analytics Team" and his live pitch propelled him to the top position out of five talented finalists this year.
Zach shared with us what the CUES Emerge experience was like, what he gained from it, how it will help boost his career, and lessons learned during the entire process.
Currency's Founder/CEO Tim McAlpine and CUES Director, Executive Education & Meetings Sara Dyer, who are a couple of the key masterminds behind Emerge, also joined the conversation and celebration to share their thoughts on this year's competition and how it stacked up to previous years.
In addition, they provided feedback on Zach's business case and his live pitch presentation, as well as all the mentorship, networking, and educational benefits (Cornell University) participants gain from the Emerge experience.
Hands down, this is one of the best "up-and-coming leadership" programs out there today -- and credit unions have it. So stay tuned for 2023's competition, which kicks off January 2023.
Check it out and let us know your thoughts. And be sure to watch the entire episode below for all the details and takeaways.