2016 Applicant: Ali Fett

Ali Fett is a 35-year-old AVP of Talent Development of Verve, a Credit Union ($760M) in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States.

Project Title
The Jar!

Short Pitch
An engaged team member, who can communicate with Verve and lead with a servant's heart at work, home and in our communities, is not what our members want---it’s what they deserve!

The jar is a visible daily reminder that creates shared language, efficiencies and enhanced communication among our team members and our member owners.

An enhanced ability to communicate has resulted in fewer performance improvement plans (we call them "plans for AWESOMENESS"). Therefore, our culture remains strong and we continue to increase team member engagement. 

We know when organizations have engaged team members' they perform 4 times better financially. They also experience a 56% improvement in customer loyalty…in our case, member loyalty (Engagient LLC)!

We are bringing servant leadership into the homes of our team members. We know 60% of our lives are spent working or preparing to work. At Verve, we care about the other 40%--- the time our team members spend with their family, friends and in our communities.

A 100% engaged team member, who can communicate and lead with a servant's heart, is not what our members want---it’s what they deserve.

This tangible jar has impacted lives beyond the walls of Verve. The possibilities this jar can offer team members, their families, our community, and communities served by other credit unions across the country and world are endless.

The Jar is composed of the following symbols:
Bucket- filling each other up; our words are powerful
Goal Post- giving each other clear guidelines
Puzzle Piece- celebrating our personal brand + natural talents
Ladder + Penny- flipping the coin and asking good questions before we climb the "ladder of assumptions"...we don't believe everything we think

» CUES NextGen Leader interview
» Top 15 Blog Post
» Final 5 Project Update
» Finalist Presentation