2016 Applicant: Shannon Cahoon

Shannon Cahoon is a 27-year-old Community Outreach Coordinator of Fibre Federal Credit Union ($967M) in Longview, Washington, United States.

Project Title
Tracking the ROI of Financial Education

Short Pitch
Track, measure, and prove the profitability of your financial education program using my turn key, comprehensive system.

What's the first thing to face a budget cut? It's not the worst program at your credit union- it's the one that can't prove its value. Hundreds, if not thousands, of credit unions across the United States and Canada offer financial education, yet few can demonstrate what their efforts bring to their credit union. I am working to develop a turn-key system to help credit unions track, measure, and prove the profitability of financial education efforts. The beauty of it is that with a few simple adjustments, this program can also be used to measure the ROI of your community outreach efforts, business development program, second chance accounts, and more. Don't let a great program end up on the cutting room floor- let's show how what we are doing in our communities is not only the right stuff, but also the good stuff from a profit perspective.

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