2017 Applicant: Laura Jorris

Laura Jorris (Siirila) is a 24-year-old Marketing Specialist at City & County Credit Union ($503M) in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States.

Project Title
Create Simple Messages

Short Pitch
Make your writing easy to understand, so people know what you're saying.

My goal is to bring simple writing into my credit union and make our content easy to understand. 

This project will be completed in three steps: 
1) Create a message architecture.
2) Audit our content.
3) Update our content to fit into our message architecture.

During the third step of this project, we will re-write content at the seventh grade reading level or below. We will also make sure our content and website is accessible to assistive technology.

I believe this project is important for three reasons. First, it empowers our members to make informed decisions about their money and accounts. Second, it creates a tool for staff to use as they help members. Third, it makes sure our writing does not discriminate again members because of their background or a disability.

Simple writing gives members the power to understand and conquer their financial lives.

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