2018 Applicant: Angela Loy
Angela Loy is a 28-year-old Process Enhancement Manager at Lake Trust Credit Union ($1.7B) in Brighton, Michigan, United States.
Project Title
Bringing Process Improvement to the Community
Short Pitch
Imagine the possibilites that could transpire from brining process improvement to your communities.
My current project is building and implementing a process enhancement (improvement) program here at Lake Trust Credit Union. Process improvement opens the door for a number of opportunities such as operating at a higher efficiency, discovering value- add opportunities, enhancing the member experience, and really inspiring a culture shift in the workplace. However, at Lake Trust CU, our leadership always encourages us to look beyond our walls . It is in our DNA to give back and what better way than sharing the gifts and talents of the credit union with our communities. With this approach in mind, as I build the process enhancement program for our credit union, I plan to look for opportunities to share the principles of process improvement with our community. I can see this taking shape in a number of different ways, whether it is educating the next generation of our workforce on process improvement or assisting small local businesses adopt a process improvement program of their own. Process improvement is inevitably going to be a part of our future. This is an opportunity to help our community prepare for that and provide them with an opportunity to thrive.
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