Applicant 3: David Paltza
David Paltza is a 26-year-old Credit Department Support Administrator with Evangelical Christian Credit Union ($1.1B) in Brea, California, USA.
Already here. The Credit Union movement is effective. Seasoned professionals show the way. New leaders are on the rise.
But we must leave no one behind. Just outside our realms of success, communities and entire nations remain underprivileged. And as our current economic state has shown, we are all in this together.
Simple. To bring the CU movement directly to the poor, equipping every last person with the necessary skills to reach sustainability. We already have the resources they need, and the impact would be lasting--the benefit, global.
In motion. It’s perfect timing that the United Nations has designated 2012 as the “International Year of Cooperatives.” I’ve been traveling to countries around the world, interviewing, researching and exploring the opportunities that await us. They’re out there: individuals like you and me, with huge vision, ambition and potential.
Endless. By bringing them even the most basic training that we’ve benefited from, they can explore lasting cooperatives, micro-enterprise development, even reaching out to other struggling communities. Like us, they just need to be given the chance.
So let’s give them that chance. Vote for me, David Paltza, and together we’ll make this happen!