Creating Corporate Culture

Our corporate culture represents the total of each of our individual choices. Three choices I challenge you to make today:

I’m in charge.
You’re in charge.
We are one.

Choice 1: I’m in charge.
I’m in charge of creating our culture. I’m in charge of telling you when I think we are off track. I’m in charge of saying something even if I’m scared that what I’m about to say may make you uncomfortable. By playing it safe, I hold you smaller than you really are and insult your ability to handle the tough stuff. Therefore, I’m in charge of going first. If I’m worried about retaliation I’m in charge of telling you, or the appropriate person, I’m afraid. I’m in charge of gossip: how much I engage in it, how much I tolerate it, and how much I stop it every minute of every day. I’m in charge of being part of the cure instead of the disease. So I’m in charge of spreading positivity, acknowledgement, and sincere appreciation. Because I know we will do better by building on our strengths, I hold everyone capable of greatness. I’m in charge of creating our culture.

Choice 2: You’re in charge.
You’re in charge of creating our culture. You’re in charge of telling me when you think we are off track. You are in charge of saying something even if what you are about to say may make me uncomfortable. By playing it safe, you hold me smaller than I really am and insult my ability to handle the tough stuff. Therefore, you are in charge of going first. If you are worried about retaliation, you are in charge of telling me, or the appropriate person, you are afraid. You are in charge of gossip: how much you engage in it, how much you tolerate it, and how much you stop it every minute of every day. You want to be part of the cure instead of the disease. So you are in charge of spreading positivity, acknowledgement, and sincere appreciation. Because you know we will do better by building on our strengths, you hold everyone capable of greatness. You are in charge of creating our culture.

Choice 3: We are one.
We are in charge of creating our culture. We are one. We are one team. Our team is made of up different individuals with different roles. Our passion for results is the sum total of our titles. Therefore, we aren’t going to wait for the CEO, the manager, or any other “person in charge” to fix it.  Waiting for someone else to go first means we hold ourselves incapable of greatness. It is a fiction we create to limit our ability to play big.  We do not tolerate mediocrity. Creating culture is a conscious choice. We are here to help each other succeed. We are one. We are in charge of creating our culture.

What do you think? Is it possible or only possible if someone else goes first? Let me know at


Tina Hall