First Day of School

Today was the first day of the CUES CEO Institute I that I have the opportunity to attend as the winner of the Next Top Credit Union Exec. According to the CUES website, this course will help me “Learn to turn challenges into change… Delve into strategic planning through embracing uncertainty, rather than ignoring it… Discover how change can positively affect your organization.” Y’all. can we just stop here and reflect on the magnitude of those statements and the opportunity they present?  I am having breakfast, lunch, and dinner with CEOs and a variety of other C-suite executives every day. I am learning from Wharton-tenured professors about the strategic planning landscape including insights from global companies. I am wandering around Philadelphia in the evening making connections that are valuable to my future growth and the collaboration of my credit union.  

Rewind two days: On Saturday, I completed a half marathon. If I can compare my running pace to turtles in peanut butter, you know how much time I had to think about the upcoming week. In those (*cough*, 3) hours, I narrowed my goals to three things. 

  1. Represent my credit union well, 

  2. Stretch myself every day to engage in conversations that may be outside of my comfort zone of experience, even if it is just to listen, and 

  3. Make connections for future collaboration.  

Bonus: Have a legit Philly Cheesesteak, but I digress.


I’ll give an update next time on how those goals went but I can share that today, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the experience that I have gained at my credit union.  The projects, meetings, planning sessions, and collaborations I have been invited to join prepared me to understand the nuisances of our business and contribute to the conversation with C-level executives throughout this Institute. Every challenge that I have been given has given me insight on the industry and the players in the financial services space. I am grateful for my mentors, my peers, and my team for the constant push and unwavering support. 

On to day 2!

Lynette Cupps