Have we been crashed?
In a very crafty move, three entrants have banded together to campaign for votes as a group.
Matt Vance, Braden Young and Kelsey Balcaitis Crashed the GAC and now they've set their sights on the Next Top Credit Union Exec challenge.
They've dubbed themselves "We Are The Next" and these three social media butterflies are working it. They've got a Twitter account complete with custom artwork. Let's hope they're still keeping up with their actual work duties!
We checked our rules and there is definitely nothing stopping them from getting all "Survivor Alliance" on us.
Will the approach work? Time will tell. What we can tell you is that the ballot total is approaching 3,000 in less than 24 hours and there are no clear leaders in any region!
Are you campaigning in a unique way? Please let us know and we will feature it right here on the blog.
Good luck to everyone and like we said earlier today play fair.
The CUES Team