It’s the 2015 Canada Winter Games!
Integris is a proud partner of the games and our staff is out in full force volunteering and cheering on athletes from around the country. It’s an incredible time to be in Prince George and we are receiving a well-deserved national spotlight on the region.
On top of voluntarism, we’ve also taken a different approach to the way we contribute to the games. From February 14th to the 28th, we have rented out the deck on the upper level of the Two Rivers Art Gallery to host a celebration. This spot is perfect as it overlooks the Canada Winter Games Plaza, where incredible musical artists such as Alan Doyle (in Canada, he’s top notch – he’s shown in the picture) perform on a nightly basis.
Courtesy of the 2015 Canada Winter Games, Photo Credit: Giles Palmer
Bib #55: Frances Elsie MacDonald
Each night is themed to celebrate a province and our Marketing team decorates the space accordingly. We invite Members, future Members, Staff, Community Groups, etc. to the space which we call the “Integris Winter Lounge” (isn’t that fancy??). It’s a great opportunity to network, laugh, and watch the festivities happening below.
As I mentioned in my presentation at CETNET, engagement is a strategy we have used successfully over the past year and the Integris Winter Lounge is another fine example of this. Community members who are our guests at the Lounge are able to interact with their financial institution (or potential financial institution) on another level – one not typically expected. We don’t spend our time selling products or services while we are there. We do talk a lot about Integris, but not in an in-your-face kind of way. We are people wanting to get to know our community and, if we can, find ways to enrich it. Naturally, that translates to business generation because we learn a lot of information you wouldn’t in a strictly transactional relationship and are, therefore, better able to provide mutually-beneficial solutions. Most importantly, we act as a catalyst to new partnerships forming between guests in attendance that benefit the community and North-Central region of BC.
Now, it’s time to go back to the Games!
C.U. Soon!
- Alex