Our First Families Have Started
After launching our adoption line of credit in January, and using a public relations campaign to promote it in February we’ve seen our first families start the process. We were intentional to partner with CHLSS (Children’s Home Lutheran Social Service – Minnesota’s largest adoption agency) initially to make sure we have a smooth and efficient process before opening the loan program up to more agencies. CHLSS have been helpful in communicating the unique complexities of each situation and unique financial needs that go along with it.
After appearing on webinars with Your Adoption Finance Coach and meeting with MNADOPT, Bellis, the Gift of Adoption and countless other local and national adoption focused groups and organizations over the past months and I’ve been amazed by
1) the overwhelming need that exists for children to find homes,
2) the great work that so many organization are doing on behalf of these kids, and
3) the potential we all have to give kids the greatest gift they could ever experience – the unconditional love of a forever family.
I’m constantly reminded in these meetings, and in my own life, of the honor I get to have in helping lead the charge and be a voice for the voiceless. I’m not sure that would've been possible without the CUES’ Next Top Credit Union Exec competition.
Until next time…
Geoff Bullock