Who will be the NEXT Top Credit Union Executive?
The time draws near – beginning on May 1 and continuing only for a short time (through May 12), nominations for the 2017 Next Top Credit Union Executive will open. While I understand that many of you reading this no longer consider yourselves “young professionals”, this is definitely something you should pay attention to and participate in. Look around your shop- who on your staff is a bright, shining star? Who is ready to take the credit union world by storm? Who could maybe use a little nudge and a confidence boost to realize their potential, the way you already see it?
No matter what stage you are at in your career, as Powerade proudly tells us – We’re all just a kid from somewhere. Where are you from? What has your journey been like? Did you get some lucky breaks or boosts along the way? Did you fight and hustle for every opportunity and next step? I guarantee you, we all have players on our credit union teams who are ready to take an opportunity like NTCUE by storm – perhaps surprising you, perhaps surprising themselves – but hungry for the chance.
Why nominate someone for NTCUE? There isn’t a better opportunity in credit union land for young talent to be groomed and readied for future leadership. Along the process of NTCUE, participants have an opportunity for one-on-one coaching from DDJ Myers, a leading Talent Development firm within our industry. Participants will flex several communication muscles and will step outside their comfort zone, developing a project and then telling the world about it via video, articles, and presentations. Worst case? Someone in your credit union now has a project that will likely have a strong impact on your organization, a project that they are excited about and committed to. Best case? That same someone could advance through all stages of the competition, gaining coaching, expanding their network, and fine-tuning their project along the way. Ultimate case? That someone wins the whole shooting match, and ultimately gets a prize package valued at over $20,000 – including years one and two of the CUES CEO Institute. None of this costs your credit union a dime (until year three of the CEO Institute). A pretty cheap investment to have a Certified Chief Executive on your staff, yes?
Please. Please. On behalf of all current young talent within credit unions, and on behalf of the future of our movement, please take the few moments to nominate someone. I can’t think of anything that would be more meaningful for a young professional than to get that shoulder tap from a leader within their organization. Anyone can nominate someone – you can even nominate yourself – and should, if you have something to offer and are ready to make the most of this incredible opportunity.
We’re all just a kid from somewhere. Nominate someone, and help him or her begin writing the next important chapter in their credit union career.
Shannon Cahoon