The Cooperative Trust is all over CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec!

The Cooperative Trust | By Tim McAlpine

In our 5th year of the CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec competition we had 109 nominations. Of those 109, 24 have stepped up and created video applications. And after consulting with James Marshall, it looks like eight of the applicants are members of The Cooperative Trust!

Well done and thank you. Thanks for putting yourself out there. Thanks for taking a chance. And thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to go through with your application. This means a lot to all of us who put this competition on every year including CUES, DDJ Myers and Currency Marketing. As the host of the finalist presentations in Florida, I do my best to stay totally impartial, but what I will say after reviewing this year’s videos and projects is that we have an absolutely great group of young professionals in the competition.

We’re now in the vote for the Top 15 phase. Voting will be open until July 30 and members of the credit union industry and the general public are encouraged to vote for their favorite applicant. The Top 12 applicants with the most votes will automatically move on. A committee selected by CUES will choose up to three additional applicants to move on. Together, these people will form our Top 15.

If you haven’t yet, get in there and vote for your favorite now!

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